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2022-07-15 22:41:55 By : Mr. Tony Wu

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Anyone able to identify this week’s mystery photo from the Northeastern Nevada Museum’s unidentified photo collection is asked to contact the museum at 775-738-3418, ext. 102 or email Toni Schwin and Debbie Wynn identified last week’s Mystery Photo as Sammi Thurman.

July 10, 1897: Married – At the residence of the bride’s parents in Lamoille Valley, July 1, 1897, Mr. D.W. Peters, Altman, Colorado, to Miss Matilda Voight.

The State has discontinued the hatcheries and F. Boyce has purchased the fittings and will hereafter conduct the institution himself and for his own benefit.

Tuscarora – Steve Ferguson has returned from his trip to Bull Run district and is quite enthusiastic over the outlook for the future of that locality. Steve is an old, experienced miner, and his judgment can be relied upon.

July 11, 1922: George N. Sutherland of the Sewell company, motored to Lamoille yesterday, accompanied by his wife and five children. Mr. Sutherland returned this morning, leaving his family to enjoy a month’s vacation at the unique pleasure spot.

July 15, 1922: Realizing the importance of producing clean and sanitary milk and the proper handling of the dairy product after it is produced, Glaser Brothers of Halleck are at present erecting one of the most modern and sanitary dairy barns in the state of Nevada. The building will be approximately 100 by forty feet in size and when completed will be a worthy addition to the already far advanced dairy business now being carried out by these progressive ranchers. The walls are of concrete hollow block of the Vangilder type, and the floors are all of concrete. A separate sealed, sanitary milking compartment is one of the distinctive features. At milking time, the cattle are led into this room, which is free from dust of every description, not even a wisp of hay being present. A shower and wash room will be installed for the milkers, together with a boiler and steam room for the proper sterilization of the milk and containers. The milking compartment is large enough to care for eighteen cows at one milking and there will be space in the building itself for forty-five head. A special separator room is another of the features, and according to experts, the Glaser barn will be second to none in Nevada.

July 11, 1947: Elko County’s worst range fire in history continued unabated this morning, burning furiously on two fronts, to the east and west of this city. One spearhead of the disastrous range fire near Elko was tearing across Kittridge Canyon today, the only source of surface water for this city. Trees were burning in Kittridge Canyon, and the city has gone to great expense there in closing off tunnels from which spring water flows. The loss to the watershed alone will exceed $40,000 it was estimated. The men are paid 90 cents an hour to fight the blaze in addition to their meals, which will average at least $1.25 per man. The cost is approximately $1690 per day, to say nothing of the expensive equipment which has been brought into the picture. Three caterpillars and two pumper trucks were on the job this morning. At least four agencies were fighting the fire today. The grazing service, Elko County, the State Highway Department, and the city were all cooperating in the battle to bring the fire under control. City workers were standing guard today in the vicinity of the fairgrounds, although the danger in that area appeared to have been dissipated. Fire swept over the Elko-Mountain City highway as if it wasn’t even there and repeated the performance on the old Tuscarora highway, an extension of Fifth Street. Fires dotted the surrounding country-side last night, presenting a weird picture. In some places, only the smoldering embers could be seen, while in other sections, flames mounted 10 to 15 feet in height. The fire was originally started by lightning Tuesday afternoon. Fire fighting crews were rounded up from the streets of Elko yesterday afternoon by members of the city police force. Irvin Ambler, acting chief of police, directed the crews to the points where they were needed most.

July 13, 1972: The Animal Farm at Spring Creek which contains a collection of rare live animals from all over the world, will be open to public tours every Sunday from 2 until 6 p.m. beginning July 16. According to Keenie Pratt, owner of the farm, the tours will be conducted by knowledgeable teen-agers from the Elko area who have had experience working with and caring for the animals. Among the exotic animals being exhibited are miniature horses, Sika deer from Japan, llamas from South America, Axis deer from Hawaii, Zebu from Africa and African pygmy goats.

July 14, 1972: Tom Clark and Bud Danner, co-owners of Fox Foto, at 443 Idaho St., this week announced the installation of a Kodak color print processing system that will enable them to provide 24-hour service in Elko on color print film. The new installation marks the first time a commercial color processing laboratory has been opened in Elko; and Clark commented officials of Eastman Kodak Co. had told him the facility makes Elko the smallest community in the nation, in terms of population, with a commercial color finishing lab. Danner and Clark purchased Fox Foto in December of 1968 from Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fox.

July 15, 1972: A total of 163 family members and friends were in attendance at the Joseph Warr-Valentine Walther family reunion held last Saturday at the Jack Walther Ranch at Fort Halleck. Family members travelled from as far away as New York State and Alaska to attend the festivities, which were highlighted by a picnic in the front yard of the ranch. Of the 13 children born to Joseph and Julia Walther, 12 are still alive and 10 were in attendance at the reunion. They are Bill Walther, Villa Goldstrom, Gerald Walther, Arthur Walther, Florence Meier, Clara Larson, Paul Walther, Beulah Dalley, June Reilly and Jack Walther.

July 10, 1997: The Steensen brothers found the winning formula Saturday at the annual Firecracker Special stock car races at Summit Raceways in Elko. Corey Steensen and Dave Steensen both won main event races plus heat races, and Scott Steensen finished second in the 25-lap pro stock feature. Corey Steensen won the mini stock 20-lap feature. Dave Steensen crossed the line first in the 25-lap pro stock feature with brother Scott in second place.

July 11, 1997: George Smiraldo, a former rancher and rodeo cowboy, was modest about being chosen grand marshal of this year’s Silver State Stampede Rodeo Parade. But Smiraldo is certainly deserving of the honor – after all, he rode in the first Silver State Stampede back in 1948 and took second place in the saddle bronc event. The Elko native was born in 1925 to Elburz ranchers Giconie and Carrie Smiradlo. His grandfather was Mathias Glaser, who first came to Elko County in the mid-1800s.

July 12, 1997: The Elko chapter of Bereaved Parents of the USA, a support group for parents who’ve lost children, recently donated $600 to the Angel State Fund. The $17,000 statue will be located at Northside Park and will serve as a memorial to children who’ve passed away. The statue is now being made in Salt Lake City and should arrive in time for an August dedication, said Gary D’Orazio, who heads the Angel Statue Fund Committee.

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Anyone able to identify this week’s mystery photo from the Northeastern Nevada Museum’s unidentified photo collection is asked to contact the museum at 775-738-3418, ext. 102 or email Toni Schwin and Debbie Wynn identified last week’s Mystery Photo as Sammi Thurman.

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